Officers 2024-2025
President: Elzbieta Hibbs
First Vice President (Programs & Reports): Lois Nixon
Second Vice President (Membership): Priscilla Keating
Third Vice President (Ways & Means): Linda D’Alto
Treasurer: Diane Andersen and Elaine James
Corresponding Secretary: Irene Kuo
Recording Secretary: Wendy Payne
Finance Committee: Diane Andersen, Elaine James, Linda D’Alto, Elzbieta Hibbs
Parliamentarian: Lois Nixon
Community Service Programs/Committee Chairs:
Arts and Culture: Susan Abbott and Tina Garrett
Education and Libraries: Linda D’Alto
Health and Wellness: Arlene Gleason and Karen Russell
Civic Engagement and Outreach: Marci Thomas and Mary-Mel Kroeger
Social/Hospitality: Mercedes Cooley, Judith McDonal, and Jane Sowards
Grants: Willa Brigham
Scholarship Committee Chair: Karen Fiumara
Newsletter: Linda D’Alto
Website: Susan Abbott